torsdag den 25. juli 2013

Shimizu Shayoran

Not the design I expected, but yeah, cute.

So this is Shimizu! He has an CV, VCV and Multipitch (3) VCV! I will be reviewing the last mentioned.

files : 768
size :  140176384bytes
uses : 75.0%
freq avg : 175.5 Hz (F3)
logical range : F2`E5
voices : 1501


Shimizu Shayoran STORM Ver. 1.0
Genero: Masculino
Color de Pelo: Rojo
Color de Ojos: Celestes
Altura: 1.71 Metros
Peso: 65 Kg
Cumpleaños: Julio 14
Edad: 16 anos
Forma de Ser:

--Es Bipolar
--Le gusta hacer Ejercicio
--No le gusta bromear sobre la muerte.
--Shayoran es un ser magico, un "kitsune" su poder esta dentro de el, puede convertirse en el ser que quiera e inclusive meterse al cuerpo de los demas.
--Suele ser muy timido y se ruboriza facilmente
--Le encanta usar su magia para ponerse Alas

Terminos de Uso:
--> 1.Autorizacion:
a) No utilizar a Shayoran para violar leyes y/o promover acciones que violan las leyes.
b) No utilizar a Shayoran de forma ofensiva para el orden publico y su moral.
c) No utilizar a Shayoran para insultar a una tercera persona/partido
d) No hacerse pasar por ser el creador de Shayoran.
e) No Vender el voicebank de Shayoran.
f) Asegurese de escribir el nombre de Shayoran Shimizu en su trabajo cuando use el voicebank o el caracter.
--> 2. Aprobacion de la gestion.
El creador no tendrEningun derecho de la responsabilidad de los incidentes y las perdidas cuando se utiliza el voicaban y/o caracter de Shayoran Shimizu, Aclarando que utiliza el Vocicebank bajo su propio riesgo.

--> 3. Prohibiciones y Recordatorios:
a) La expresion politica:
No se limita, Sin embargo la utilizacion que se viola la regla de uso anterior esta prohibido.
b) La expresion Religiosa:
La Expresion religiosa que promueve un determinado grupo religioso estEprohibido.
c) sexual (NC-17) la expresion, lo grotesco y/o expresion violenta:
No se limita el tiempo que algunas declaraciones tengan este contenido pero se pide que se evite hacerlo.
--> 4. La modificacion y redistribucion del Voicebank:
a) Ninguna limitacion se impone a la modificacion de la voicebank. (por ejemplo, la reduccion de ruido y la manipulacion del tono)
b) Ninguna limitacion se impone sobre la restauracion de los parametros.
c) La Redistribucion de este Voicebank esta prohibido.
d) La redistribucion de la edicion/modificacion del voicebank esta prohibido.
-->Contacto del Creador<--

Unfortunately, this doesn't exist in English...

Ok, first of all, he doesn't have a full VCV apparently... Which is, of course, totally fine with me.
I would suggest you rename some of the sounds to "- *sound name*", just to make CV to VCV easier...I also had some other general problems with his oto... For example, he doesn't have any "i be" sounds... Which is very annoying...

His quality is not too great, some sounds are glitched and he has an accent. The accent isn't too bad, and it's mostly on the u-sounds. The quality wasn't as bad when using other resamplers, but also made some of his already poorly oto'ed consonants worse.

His voice type is very nice and has a big voice range. His youthful voice fits many songs and genres, making him a great overall vocal.

Oto: 3/10
I like having my otos useable...
Easy-to-use: 5/10
His voice type and range is good, but the otos and missing "- *sound name*" sounds are annoying.
Accent: 7/10
Again, he has some problems with his u-sounds.
Quality: 7/10
Not good; not bad. It works.

Overall: An UTAU with a few fixable problems. His voice type and range are amazing, and he definitely could be the top of youthful voices with this. His quality might be hard to fix (lack of funds, etc.), but the otos and accent need to make up for it, then. I would suggest recording a new VB with a Standalone VCV reclist and double-check the otos. Then he will be epic!

mandag den 10. juni 2013

So-on Roko

  • Name: 騒音ロコ - そおんろこ (his surname translated to romanized symbols can be written as Sōon, Sooon or So-on, while his name is always Roko).
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 185 cm
  • Weight: 75 kg
  • Birthday: October 26th
  • Voice provider: Tomki
  • Illustrator: Rumple
  • Design: Tomki and Meredith Blake
  • Belongs to/creator: Chucrut Studios
  • Vocal Range: D2~E4
  • Release:
    -Not officially: 26 de octubre 2010
    -Officially: 23 de marzo 2013
  • Product code: CSU1
  • Licence: It is not allowed to distribute this product without the company's authorazation.
    ^This is the info from his website :) This one

    First of all. HAABA HAABA, HE IS ONE MOTHERFUCKING CUTIE. (seriously, give me your drawing skills, Rumple, Roko stole my heart)

    Can we please also notice how hardcore his name looks? Sooon Roko...
    Alright, enough of this.

    (those were all first hand impressions btw)

    This is quite an interesting bank. The creators state it's an "VCV CVVC" voicebank.
    What is that, you might ask (I did)
    Well, apart from handling romaji and hiragana CV, he can also sing VCV and CVVC! It's a very versatile voicebank.

    His VCV sounds very much like a normal VCV (of course). I have no experience with CVVC, but whatever the f*** I did, it still sounded pretty fluent! Great job!
    His vowels in CV were hard to blend (at least using crossfade), but it might just have been the song.

    There is one thing that annoys me to no end. I would like to say, I am in no way being racist, but the accent really annoys me. His "u"'s are pronounced in that Spanish/Portuguese/Latin American/You get my point way, and it just kind of ruins the voicebank for me. I am no way fluent in Japanese either, so I don't think this is all too horrible. Some people even like the accents! It's a problem that can easily be fixed for the next Japanese voicebank (if there will be one), so I highly suggest maybe listening to some native Japanese and trying to get the sound right.
    The overall accent makes the voice a little "heavy" to listen to, but I honestly like it a bit, so meh, you shouldn't change the way you speak.

    Roko has a very nice voice. It's manly, but not too overly manly. It's young and nice, and I'm sure his voice could fit on a lot of songs. I tried using him on WAVEFILE, and honestly just thought it was adorable.

    Also do take note he is on the lower range of male voices, so remember to move the notes down one octave~ (lol me)

    His oto seems to work perfectly almost everywhere, I only had a few places where the song was a tab bit too fast for his oto (should be solvable with consonant velocity)

    Accent: 5/10
    This is easily fixable, so you guys better fix it and make Roko perfect.
    Easy-to-use: 10/10
    His combined CV, VCV and CV-VC makes him perfect for both beginners and advanced users. It's like his voicebank always has something new to show.
    Quality: 8/10
    No problems here whatsoever.
    Oto: 9/10
    Apart from a few slurred syllables every once in a while, this was pretty damn near to perfect (and it can easily be fixed with editing)

    Overall: A good, deep male. He is very good at all round work, and this makes him a reliable UTAU. Go download him now.

    Atsui Honoo

    Name: Atsui Hono

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Height: N/A

    Weight: N/A

    Sexuality: Gay

    Favorite food: Strawberry Ice cream 

    Character Item: (WIP)

    -This is Atsui Hono, he is voiced by OtakuMaster96(The maker of the PANTHER/PARENTloids)

    ^Information from his website.

    Here we have another CV UTAU... Yep... (Damn you CV, my arch nemesis)

    (Remember kids, this is his Act 2)

    Let me just start with my first impression. He is surprisingly good quality (no offence, but I wasn't expecting that). His sounds are clear and almost noise-free. The only problem are his k-sounds. I noticed that the Wikia states the k-sounds had to be re-recorded with a lower quality microphone, but they just sound horrible compared to the rest of the clear voicebank! Also, his accent somewhat annoyed me, but it wasn't a terrible accent, more just an American (I'm not sure??) undertone.

    His oto was good, not a plug-n-play good oto, but it worked. I just realized I made it sound really average. His oto is way better than average, no doubt, it's just not as good as someone of the CV UTAUs I've tried before, but it's definitely at the top of the line.

    Oh, and you can't make him sing NAUGHTAY songs (No Gigantic OTN for Atsui) and you can't make him sing with a female partner in a romantic song (he is gay after all)

    His voice is in the middle/high range of the male voice, and I would say about C3-somewhere in mid-5 would work out for him...

    Quality: 6/10
    Overall good, needs new k-sounds
    Accent: 6/10
    It wasn't as bad as it could be
    Clearness: 5/10
    The whole voicebank is clear and good, except for the k-sounds. They pull the score down.
    Oto: 7.5/10
    No problems here :)
    Easy-to-use: 7/10
    He would be a very good male UTAU for new beginners. He has a very versatile voice with a large range, and his oto is well made.

    Overall: If you like his voice and/or you're looking for a male that can reach some high notes, download him. For you other guys, I would probably wait until his k-sounds are fixed and/or he gets a new voicebank.

    lørdag den 8. juni 2013


    Next one up is KIDNEY!

    files : 167
    size :  33671022bytes
    uses : 99.4%
    freq avg : 229.0 Hz (A#3)
    logical range : D3-G4
    voices : 172

    Well, KIDNEY is definitely not an UTAU you download for manliness. His voice is very young/feminine, so if you're into that kind of thing; You probably won't have any complaints.

    KIDNEY's recordings can be rather unstable sometimes. I noticed some problems with his k-sounds. Some of his r-sounds are also trilling r's, instead of the Japanese mix of r, d and l. 
    Some of the consonant-y-vocal sounds (kyo) are also pronounced: "kiyo" instead of "kyo"
    I'm also kinda sad there are only two breath recordings, but beggars can't be choosers :9
    Other than that, good overall pronunciation of the vowels and the other consonants.

    His voice can be rather weak on some notes, but is overall solid =w= He doesn't sound too good in the deeper notes, so keep him in the top range of the 3rd octave and the bottom of the 5th.
    He's good at singing fast songs, but can sound a little wonky in the notes straight after (this can be edited out, though) He can also sing long notes really well, no problem.

    The oto could use work, and I wouldn't say he's suited for some one making their first UTAU cover.

    His voice sounds good with resampler.exe and fresamp.exe (somewhat, at least without the F0 flag)
    He sounds like a 10 year old boy who has been smoking since he was five with TIPS.exe, you have been  warned.

    Easy-to-use: 4/10
    His voice is not suitable for a lot of songs, and his oto could need work. He does have Hiragana and Romaji alias, though.
    Clearness: 7/10
    He /is/ a very clear voice, and holds long notes well.
    Pronunciation: 5/10
    Most of the sounds are ok, but some could really need some work. (I'm looking at you, rolling r's)
    Quality: 7/10
    Pretty standard quality (on the better side)
    Oto: 6/10
    Some of his consonants are badly oto'ed, and make them sound weird, especially in bigger pitch changes (example: D#5 => A#4)

    He is a good UTAU. I wouldn't recommend beginners to use him, though. If he got an ACT two with the problems (pronunciation and oto) fixed, he would be perfect. He is suitable if you need a high, soft male voice (he is voiced by a female, just so you know it)

    fredag den 7. juni 2013

    Magune Saki

    (Her design is adorable, right? Cute color scheme)

    MAGUne Saki:
    files : 146
    size :  16004072bytes
    uses : 99.3% (I have no clue what this means)
    freq avg : 400.7 Hz (G4)
    logical range : F2-F#5
    voices : 146
    author : Xei Song

    So, this is a CV UTAU~
    Her name is Saki. Saki has a somewhat cute voice, almost half falsetto.

    The first thing I noticed about her is, she is very clear. Her pronunciation is good (as far as I can tell) and she doesn't mumble her consonants. (Good recording)

    Her p-sounds sound a little too much like b, maybe, but it's all good. Some her sounds also has some 'pops' (can be fixed with a pop filter) and her recordings are a little short (but still handles long notes surprisingly well)

    Her voice is definitely suited for pop songs, but I am sure you could also squeeze out some other genres, haha.

    She sounds horrible with TIPS.exe, or else am I doing something wrong.

    She sounds good with Resampler and Fresamp! =w=

    Maybe I should start writing something actually constructive, haha.

    Easy-to-use: 8/10
    This voicebank is one of the most easy-to-use CV VBs I have ever tried. She is clear, doesn't stumble over the consonants and suits a lot of songs. (She also has both Romaji and Hiragana)
    Clearness: 6/10
    The short recordings does make her long notes awkward sometimes, but overall very clear.
    Quality: 6/10
    Again, the long notes, and also the medium quality microphone.
    Pronunciation: 7/10
    Better than some other UTAUs out there, much better.
    Oto: 8/10
    I suck at oto'ing, so everything I can make work somewhat without even changing the oto, is good for me.

    Suitable for beginners and advanced users alike! Very easy to use voice, some errors that can be fixed (and some not) and good oto! She also has an adorable design, asdfghjkl

    First Review - First Favorite UTAU - Ron Keine

    Ahh, Ron... I remember all the good times I've had with him... From the awfully oto'ed CV bank to his 2.0 VCV bank. He was the first UTAU I really liked... And that was two years ago (Matsudappoiyo followed soon after)

    First of all, let me put this straight. Ron is voiced by a female. Believe me,  I asked herself, because I was so confused.
    (Proof here: (as you can see, I was clearly confused... I wish all the Tiger & Bunny yaoi had convinced me... Oh well, back to review)

    Ron has a couple of VBs... He has an CV, VCV(1.0) and VCV(2.0)+(2.1)

    Voicer: Keyl
    Illustrations: Matsuda Mattsun (those two have one of the best girlmances ever)

    First, the CV:
    Sky High - CV

    Sorry, Nico Video only.

    This CV Voicebank is oto'ed by Matsuda Mattsun herself. Her CV oto.ini is... interesting... It confused me to no end when I first started using UTAU. I wish I could say new beginners should stay away, but honestly, it's pretty good training (especially if you need to practise oto'ing)
    Since Keyl is a girl and I think she used some sort of effect to make her voice deeper, the voicebank sounds very unnatural. The VCV is even worse on that point, and I also think that is why Mattsun gave up on using that... His higher range also sounds better in the CV.
    I would say:
    If you like CV voicebanks: Go for it.
    I honestly don't like using it, but I hate CV voicebanks, so yeah...

    Easy-to-use: 5/10
    Realistic Sounding: 6/10
    Quality: 6.5/10

    VCV Act 1.0
    This VB. I am not sure if I have been using his act 1.0 or 2.0, but I'm pretty sure it's 2.0.
    (Guess what, stupid fucking Blogger)
    Act 1.0 VCV
    (Youtube this time)

    I have actually never used this VB. I only used his newer VB, but I am sure I get the idea. This VB was the first one I heard... There is not too much difference between this VB and the 2.0... Except of course better oto.ini. It's not realistic at all.
    I wouldn't recommend downloading this.

    Easy-to-use: 6/10 (If you're used to VCV)
    Realistic Sounding: 5/10
    Quality: 6.5/10

    Act 2.0 (VCV)
    Act 2.0
    (oh wow, the first cover actually made by the voicer I've posted)

    This VB. The first VCV I used. He has a very loose oto.ini, so I recommend using 130-150 Consonant Velocity. I adore this VB to no end. Ron is just super adorable, I'm sorry but--- Again, he's not very realistic sounding, and I get that, I'm cool with it (he's also extremely out-dated)
    I wouldn't recommend downloading this.

    Easy-to-use: 6/10 (His oto is still wonky~)
    Realistic Sounding: 5.5/10
    Quality: 6.5/10

    Aaaaact 2.1! (VCV)
    Act 2.1 (VCV)

    This VB is much like Gumi Native... It's the same VB as 2.0, except it has better oto.ini and stuff, yay :DDD
    This is definitely the VB to go with, if you want one of Ron's VCV VBs! Yep!

    Easy-to-use: 7/10 (His oto is...better?)
    Realistic Sounding: 6/10
    Quality: 6.5/10

    Act 3:
    ACT 3333333333


    Hello Everybody

    I just thought I wanted to say hello before starting :)

    You might know me as Loleifos:
    Or IshikawaMAY:
    Or perhaps Sofie.

    That is all :D