fredag den 7. juni 2013

First Review - First Favorite UTAU - Ron Keine

Ahh, Ron... I remember all the good times I've had with him... From the awfully oto'ed CV bank to his 2.0 VCV bank. He was the first UTAU I really liked... And that was two years ago (Matsudappoiyo followed soon after)

First of all, let me put this straight. Ron is voiced by a female. Believe me,  I asked herself, because I was so confused.
(Proof here: (as you can see, I was clearly confused... I wish all the Tiger & Bunny yaoi had convinced me... Oh well, back to review)

Ron has a couple of VBs... He has an CV, VCV(1.0) and VCV(2.0)+(2.1)

Voicer: Keyl
Illustrations: Matsuda Mattsun (those two have one of the best girlmances ever)

First, the CV:
Sky High - CV

Sorry, Nico Video only.

This CV Voicebank is oto'ed by Matsuda Mattsun herself. Her CV oto.ini is... interesting... It confused me to no end when I first started using UTAU. I wish I could say new beginners should stay away, but honestly, it's pretty good training (especially if you need to practise oto'ing)
Since Keyl is a girl and I think she used some sort of effect to make her voice deeper, the voicebank sounds very unnatural. The VCV is even worse on that point, and I also think that is why Mattsun gave up on using that... His higher range also sounds better in the CV.
I would say:
If you like CV voicebanks: Go for it.
I honestly don't like using it, but I hate CV voicebanks, so yeah...

Easy-to-use: 5/10
Realistic Sounding: 6/10
Quality: 6.5/10

VCV Act 1.0
This VB. I am not sure if I have been using his act 1.0 or 2.0, but I'm pretty sure it's 2.0.
(Guess what, stupid fucking Blogger)
Act 1.0 VCV
(Youtube this time)

I have actually never used this VB. I only used his newer VB, but I am sure I get the idea. This VB was the first one I heard... There is not too much difference between this VB and the 2.0... Except of course better oto.ini. It's not realistic at all.
I wouldn't recommend downloading this.

Easy-to-use: 6/10 (If you're used to VCV)
Realistic Sounding: 5/10
Quality: 6.5/10

Act 2.0 (VCV)
Act 2.0
(oh wow, the first cover actually made by the voicer I've posted)

This VB. The first VCV I used. He has a very loose oto.ini, so I recommend using 130-150 Consonant Velocity. I adore this VB to no end. Ron is just super adorable, I'm sorry but--- Again, he's not very realistic sounding, and I get that, I'm cool with it (he's also extremely out-dated)
I wouldn't recommend downloading this.

Easy-to-use: 6/10 (His oto is still wonky~)
Realistic Sounding: 5.5/10
Quality: 6.5/10

Aaaaact 2.1! (VCV)
Act 2.1 (VCV)

This VB is much like Gumi Native... It's the same VB as 2.0, except it has better oto.ini and stuff, yay :DDD
This is definitely the VB to go with, if you want one of Ron's VCV VBs! Yep!

Easy-to-use: 7/10 (His oto is...better?)
Realistic Sounding: 6/10
Quality: 6.5/10

Act 3:
ACT 3333333333


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