torsdag den 25. juli 2013

Shimizu Shayoran

Not the design I expected, but yeah, cute.

So this is Shimizu! He has an CV, VCV and Multipitch (3) VCV! I will be reviewing the last mentioned.

files : 768
size :  140176384bytes
uses : 75.0%
freq avg : 175.5 Hz (F3)
logical range : F2`E5
voices : 1501


Shimizu Shayoran STORM Ver. 1.0
Genero: Masculino
Color de Pelo: Rojo
Color de Ojos: Celestes
Altura: 1.71 Metros
Peso: 65 Kg
Cumpleaños: Julio 14
Edad: 16 anos
Forma de Ser:

--Es Bipolar
--Le gusta hacer Ejercicio
--No le gusta bromear sobre la muerte.
--Shayoran es un ser magico, un "kitsune" su poder esta dentro de el, puede convertirse en el ser que quiera e inclusive meterse al cuerpo de los demas.
--Suele ser muy timido y se ruboriza facilmente
--Le encanta usar su magia para ponerse Alas

Terminos de Uso:
--> 1.Autorizacion:
a) No utilizar a Shayoran para violar leyes y/o promover acciones que violan las leyes.
b) No utilizar a Shayoran de forma ofensiva para el orden publico y su moral.
c) No utilizar a Shayoran para insultar a una tercera persona/partido
d) No hacerse pasar por ser el creador de Shayoran.
e) No Vender el voicebank de Shayoran.
f) Asegurese de escribir el nombre de Shayoran Shimizu en su trabajo cuando use el voicebank o el caracter.
--> 2. Aprobacion de la gestion.
El creador no tendrEningun derecho de la responsabilidad de los incidentes y las perdidas cuando se utiliza el voicaban y/o caracter de Shayoran Shimizu, Aclarando que utiliza el Vocicebank bajo su propio riesgo.

--> 3. Prohibiciones y Recordatorios:
a) La expresion politica:
No se limita, Sin embargo la utilizacion que se viola la regla de uso anterior esta prohibido.
b) La expresion Religiosa:
La Expresion religiosa que promueve un determinado grupo religioso estEprohibido.
c) sexual (NC-17) la expresion, lo grotesco y/o expresion violenta:
No se limita el tiempo que algunas declaraciones tengan este contenido pero se pide que se evite hacerlo.
--> 4. La modificacion y redistribucion del Voicebank:
a) Ninguna limitacion se impone a la modificacion de la voicebank. (por ejemplo, la reduccion de ruido y la manipulacion del tono)
b) Ninguna limitacion se impone sobre la restauracion de los parametros.
c) La Redistribucion de este Voicebank esta prohibido.
d) La redistribucion de la edicion/modificacion del voicebank esta prohibido.
-->Contacto del Creador<--

Unfortunately, this doesn't exist in English...

Ok, first of all, he doesn't have a full VCV apparently... Which is, of course, totally fine with me.
I would suggest you rename some of the sounds to "- *sound name*", just to make CV to VCV easier...I also had some other general problems with his oto... For example, he doesn't have any "i be" sounds... Which is very annoying...

His quality is not too great, some sounds are glitched and he has an accent. The accent isn't too bad, and it's mostly on the u-sounds. The quality wasn't as bad when using other resamplers, but also made some of his already poorly oto'ed consonants worse.

His voice type is very nice and has a big voice range. His youthful voice fits many songs and genres, making him a great overall vocal.

Oto: 3/10
I like having my otos useable...
Easy-to-use: 5/10
His voice type and range is good, but the otos and missing "- *sound name*" sounds are annoying.
Accent: 7/10
Again, he has some problems with his u-sounds.
Quality: 7/10
Not good; not bad. It works.

Overall: An UTAU with a few fixable problems. His voice type and range are amazing, and he definitely could be the top of youthful voices with this. His quality might be hard to fix (lack of funds, etc.), but the otos and accent need to make up for it, then. I would suggest recording a new VB with a Standalone VCV reclist and double-check the otos. Then he will be epic!

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